Artificial Fish Habitat FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:
What is an American Fish Tree?
The American FishTree is a Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) i.e. an artificial fish habitat or fish attractor. The American Fish Tree will attract smaller forage fish, which in turn, attracts larger predator fish species.
What is a fish aggregating device?
Fish aggregating devices are floating objects that are designed and strategically placed for attracting fish. They are used in both recreational and commercial fishing to increase the number of fish congregating in an area.
What materials are used to make an American Fish Tree?
The American Fish Tree is constructed in 100% industrial grade black PVC. Black PVC is inert and is environmentally safe. Periphyton (aquatic organism) will colonize the structure within a few weeks establishing a foundation for an aquatic food-chain.
Where should I place my fish attractor device?
Fish aggregating devices are engineered to concentrate aquatic activity to a location, a honey hole, or sanctuary. Naturally occurring organisms called phytoplankton attach themselves to the cover becoming the building blocks food web. The small organisms attract larger ones so and so on and naturally attract larger species of fish. By placing fish attractors close to docks and boathouses, or near contour changes which fish migrate, fish aggregating devices or attractors provide both a food source and protective cover for a fish’s survival. Fish attractor locations are essentially the man made rest areas along the aquatic freeway of life.
What are the main benefits of using American Fish Tree fish attractors?
- The American Fish Tree is engineered for the benefit of all anglers who enjoy the greatest outdoor activity known as fishing.
- Creates a self-sustaining resource and perpetual benefit to the fishery.
- Eco-friendly materials that will not harm the environment.
Are fish aggregating devices and attractors legal?
Yes, but always check with local agencies or land managers first if you have any questions.
How long will my American Fish Tree last?
American Fish Trees are constructed in 100% PVC. The inert material is resistant to decay and degradation, and is estimated to last more than 100 years! In addition to being perpetually long lasting, the American Fish Tree is impenetrable to hooks, making it free of ugly entanglements with lines and lures.
How many American Fish Trees should I consider buying?
We recommend grouping Fish Trees in clusters of 2 - 3 or more to concentrate the action to a particular area.
How do I tie or suspend the American Fish Tree to a boathouse or dock?
At minimum, use 3/8" nylon anchor rope or light duty chain when tying off or suspending an American Fish Tree to a boathouse, dock, or pier.
Can fish hooks penetrate a Fish Tree?
No, the American Fish Tree is impenetrable to fish hooks. If you get wrapped around the Fish Tree, use a 3/4 oz weight clipped to your line and "waggle" your lure off.
Do I need ballast or weight to sink an American Fish Tree?
No, PVC is heavier than water and will sink without weighting. We recommend using concrete blocks to prevent Fish Trees from moving in currents.